Courses Included

  • Introduction to Neuroscience

    This course will introduce students to core neuroscience concepts that will enable them to better understand the mechanisms of psilocybin.

    Topics will include:

    - Anatomy of the nervous system
    - Basic neurophysiology and neurochemistry including development, plasticity, and signaling
    - Synapses and neurotransmitters
    - Basic pharmacology with an emphasis on psychotropics
    - Core concepts in perception, memory, and mood
    - Neuroimaging

  • Science of Psilocybin

    This course will cover the science of psilocybin including its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, routes of administration, metabolism, drug and supplement interactions, and its effects on the brain and body including adverse physical and behavioral reactions and how to deal with them. It will also review the most relevant clinical trial data and other areas of research.

Course Objectives

Students of this course will be able to understand:
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of psilocybin
  • Drug and supplement interaction
  • The metabolism of psilocybin and psilocybin products including concentration of psilocybin and psilocin in available psilocybin products
  • The primary effects and mechanisms of action of psilocybin on the brain, including connectivity in the brain and activation of serotonin receptors
  • Key areas of psilocybin research
  • Physical reactions and side effects of psilocybin
  • Recognizing and addressing adverse behavioral reactions and adverse medical reactions

Course curriculum

    1. Hello from the Instructor

    2. Origins Lecture

    3. Origins Comprehension check

    4. Anatomy Lecture

    5. Anatomy Comprehension check

    6. Chemistry Lecture

    7. Chemistry Comprehension check

    8. Development Lecture

    9. Development Comprehension check

    10. Signaling Lecture

    11. Signaling Comprehension check

    12. Synapse Lecture

    13. Synapse Comprehension check

    14. Neurotransmitters Lecture

    15. Neurotransmitters Comprehension check

    16. Pharmacology Lecture

    17. Pharmacology Comprehension check

    18. Psychotropics Lecture

    19. Psychotropics Comprehension check

    20. Perception, Memory, Mood Lecture

    21. Perception, Memory, Mood Comprehension check

    22. Imaging Lecture

    23. Imaging Comprehension check

    24. Conclusion Lecture

    1. Introduction

    2. Mushrooms Lecture

    3. Mushrooms Comprehension Check

    4. Pharmacology Lecture

    5. Pharmacology Comprehension Check

    6. Physiological Effects Lecture

    7. Physiological Effects Comprehension Check

    8. Neurology Lecture

    9. Neurology Comprehension Check

    10. Safety Lecture

    11. Safety Comprehension Check

    12. Clinical Trials Lecture

    13. Clinical Trials Comprehension Check

About this course

  • $80.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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