Course Description

This course will briefly introduce students to reading and critically assessing peer-reviewed scientific papers. It will serve as an introduction to the journal club series.

A journal club is a gathering of professionals who take turns presenting to the group a summary and discussion of a peer-reviewed article. It is an excellent way for students to engage with the material and their peers, while thinking critically and filling in gaps in the curriculum with the latest publications. Students will be required to take an introductory course on critically reviewing scientific papers and commit to at least one 30-minute presentation and 16 hours of attendance. Topics will be allotted to specific modules in advance and students must get approval for their articles of choice.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the principles of interpreting peer-review scientific journal articles
  • Be able to present summaries of scientific articles
  • Be able to engage in discussion of scientific literature

Course curriculum

    1. Types of Papers

    2. Types of Papers Quiz

    3. Publication Process

    4. Publication Process Quiz

    5. How to Read a Scientific Paper

    6. How to Read a Scientific Paper Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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